Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Week 6 Tag, Folk, & Technorati

The discovery resources & perspectives on Web 2.0, Library 2.0, describe various advances in technology, revealing the future and changing direction of libraries now pioneering & implementing these tools. It also explains the critical role we play in developing new services and expanding programs and resources to further meet the needs of the community and assist patrons of all ages - it's just simply... mindblogging! ;-)

Technorati provides the site to unlimited blog sources and answers to tagging and so I discovered why I receive certain blog posts in response to my various web searchs ie., when & how to trim a damaged holly tree? I see the advantages of (unstructured) cataloging especially with something like digital photos and social bookmarking functions. However, who has time & paitence to sit and weed thru the 54,000 sites and pics tagged under holly trimming and is it necessarily expert or authentic advice I care to read or follow.
So I'm thinking really, isn't less information, more resourceful?

I did not register for the Delicio.us site as I simply use the drop down browser on the computer to access the sites. I can see the benefits of it tho as a resource tool for libraries to utilize tags and organize bookmarks and especially enabling access from any computer. At the reference desk and the back workstations specifically this would be helpful to personnel that float from different computers and would save time looking up the same or similar reference information or books/websites of interest for patrons.

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